We’d like to share some moments from the past year and we give a promise to share even more during next year! It was good, but let it be better and let’s seek the best!
Place, where dream cars are born!
We’d like to share some moments from the past year and we give a promise to share even more during next year! It was good, but let it be better and let’s seek the best!
Best wishes, INOAUTO/ŽZBG Team!
We are happy to announce that web site is ready and waiting for you.
Here you will find everything needed to get, have and maintain the car for daily or even sport and classic needs. We are proposing not cars for sale and service for it, but a community gathered by same goals- to have a car, to drive a car, to enjoy the car. Would like to be a member- just let us know. Would like just to get a car- just let us know. Would like to have a classic or sport car always ready for an event- let’s discuss! We are sure in any case we will find the best solution possible.
Looking forward for Your contacts and You personally.
Our new site inoauto.lt is starting it’s life. Where is some Demo content still, but we will fix it in a flash. You’ll will able to find much more interesting projects, news and other information soon. Hope You’ll be interested or even maybe the lucky guy to whom we’ll make a dream come true is You. Vehicles awaits!